Attorney Resources
Helping You Help OthersWelcome to Vaage Law’s Attorney Resources section. While we as attorneys act as resources for our clients, attorneys also need their own resources to constantly better themselves and augment their practice.
In his more than 35 years of practicing law, attorney Bob Vaage has drawn inspiration from a wide, eclectic range of sources to improve his courtroom presentations.
The following are selections that can help you sharpen your skills as a lawyer. We will continue adding to this list as we compile more resources for attorneys.
Alphabetical by Author’s Last Name
- The Power of Storytelling by Ty Bennett
- Talk Less, Say More: Three Habits to Influence Others and Make Things Happen by Connie Diek
- Rules of the Road: A Plaintiff Lawyer’s Guide to Proving Liability by Rick Friedman
- Advanced Case Framing by Mark Mandel
- Don’t Eat the Bruises by Keith Mitrik
- Voir Dire and Opening Statement by Nicholas Rowley, Courtney Rowley, and Wendy Saxon
- The Story Factor by Annette Simmons
- Nuclear Verdicts: Defending Justice for All by Robert F. Tyson, Jr.
Helpful Legal Websites and Law Blogs
- ABA Journal: Official site of the American Bar Association’s journal. It contains the latest news for and by lawyers, as well as blogs, podcasts, and other material.
- Supreme Court of the United States: Get the latest info for the highest court in all the 50 states. You can check on the docket, oral arguments, rules, and even case handling guides. You can also find recent decisions and opinions right on the homepage.
- Department of Justice: See how justice is carried out at the highest levels. Brush up on the latest news and read their official blog.
- Office of the Attorney General: Check up on the Lawyer-In-Chief at this website. Featuring news and updates on the office, as well as links to many related sites.
- WSJ Law Blog: With a blog section for just about every industry, The Wall Street Journal covers the notable legal cases and trends of interest to the business and legal communities. Unlike some other areas of WSJ, you don’t need a subscription.
- SCOTUS Blog: This blog covers the latest in Supreme Court news. See the latest posts and check which petitions they are watching.
- Above the Law: A popular blog that covers everything for attorneys from small firms to big practices. You can find the latest news in law, as well as tips for finding a job. The Career Center is also a big help for new attorneys.
- Jurist: Sponsored by the University of Pittsburgh’s School of Law, legal news and research are featured on this blog. It also discusses cases ranging from small town laws to international matters.
Additional Information
For additional information on Vaage Law’s services, visit the following links:
- Case Results: Examples of the verdicts and settlements we earned on behalf of clients
- FAQs: Get answers to litigation-related questions
- Contingency Fees: Learn about our fee structure
- Refer a Case: Discover co-counsel opportunities with Vaage Law
- Mentorship: Get personal coaching, career advice, and guidance
- Vaage Trial Tips: Sign-up for our weekly email litigation tips
- Newsletter: Stay in touch with our firm so you know what’s going on
- Blog: Read about current events and legal developments
- Testimonials: See what our clients have to say about Vaage Law
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