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Reheat Steam Pipe Fails

$15,000,000 – Product Liability


A defective weld in a reheat steam pipe burst and caused third-degree burns and brain injury to a young engineer who was standing beneath it.

John Doe was an engineer in his mid-20s working at a power plant. He was standing beneath a 30-inch reheat steam pipe when it burst, spewing forth 1000-degree-plus Fahrenheit steam. The incident killed some employees. Mr. Doe suffered third-degree burns over the majority of his body and suffered an anoxic brain injury when his heart stopped as a result of the trauma. He survived but underwent numerous painful skin grafts and painful rehabilitation. His brain injury is permanent.


Plaintiff sued the general contractor who built the plant and the subcontractor who manufactured the pipe. Through the course of discovery, plaintiff learned that the pipe failed because there was a defect in the weld.


Plaintiff required numerous skin grafts and painful rehabilitation. He continued to require extensive physical therapy to prevent contractures. He was wheelchair bound and required assistance for all activities of daily living. He was no longer able to work.

Special Notes

Mr. Doe recently passed away.




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Medical Malpractice/Negligence

$25,300,000 - Force Feeds Cause Bowel Perforation

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